We're proud of our name!

Here we are in Neuremburg. Site of the famous Nazi war crime trials. We went by the courthouse where the trials were held and got an explanation of why they were held in Germany rather than Russia. (Russia just wanted to execute them rather than hold trials - which would have made justice a mockery)

We were dropped off on a square for lunch and I notice this sign above a jewelery store. I guess schmuck has no derogatory connotations in German.

Next stop Czech Republic.


Becky said...

So, Schmuck's gold is as good as anyone's huh? Hope the flight back is baby-less!

Anonymous said...

mom, i don't know who the photographer is. i just checked the weather and it's supposed to be nice the wedding weekend. lets cross our fingers and hope they know what they're talking about. talk to you soon-ish!

Sandi said...

Great! I don't remember what her name was either. I'll check when I get home.

lunedreams said...

"Schmuck" is the German word for "jewelry."

Sandi said...

Well there you go! How did it become a word for schmoozer/bad guy/cheat etc?