Reichsburg Castle

Here's a view of one of the buildings at Reichsburg Castle. I think this was the castle that Walt Disney modeled Cinderella's castle after. This castle was totally remodeled in the 1700's.

There was a coat of armor in the is room. Our guide told us that supposedly this guy was 8 feet tall and when he took the field the enemy ran away!

This was a typical street that we walked down. Take a look at the brown house. Our guide told us the floor inside was not different from what you see outside. Here's a self portrait inside the Castle - they had some beautiful windows.

They sort of rushed us through the tour at the castle, only about 7 rooms were open. Lee would have liked to stay longer!


Alan said...

this is so beautiful - I'm so glad you're sharing it. I think I want to follow your steps the next time I make it to Europe.